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Spiritual Surgery
Private Group Sessions Available
Weekend Group Events coming soon
Sacred Spiritual Surgery private group sessions go deep into your own personal healing dedicated to cleansing out negative content collected, stored and situated in the physical and Subtle bodies.
Including their systems and structures of the blood, bones, organs, muscles, tissues, cells, including the major and minor chakra systems, marmas, meridians, and other subtle systems.
Spiritual Surgery is one of the advanced healing modalities in that the depth and power of the work accomplishes deep cleansing of negative and stuck energy in the different levels and systems of the physical and subtle bodies and their instruments.
In this work Jagadeesh, with Divine assistance from the Angelic Realm and fully Liberated God-Realized Light Beings, will pull out negative, stagnant energy from the muscles, blood, organs, bones, tissue, and cells of the physical body, and also accomplish a deep cleansing of the subtle bodies, the chakra systems (both major and minor), meridians, East Indian marmas, psychic and spiritual channels, winds, bindus (sacred drops), and a plethora of possibilities regarding a vast array of sacred geometric shapes and devices, etc.
Wisdom Insight informs us that our individual physical and circumstantial challenges start in our mind. It is what we entertain in our psyche that penetrates into our auric fields, that then accumulate such that eventually physical manifestation will present itself over time.
What we think about, contemplate, desire, resist and re-act to, and especially our underlying motivations in life, that can purify the soul or denigrate it. These activities of our thoughts, desires, modes of acting, emotional content, etc., which come from not only the conscious mind, but the layers of content below the surface, from the sub-conscious and the unconscious mind that create affects and result beyond out conscious awareness.
There are other layers of content that comes from the many influences around us, for instance:
The negative content that comes down our Ancestral Lines:
- within the DNA of the physical body
- Psychic Impingement
- and unique patterns we grew up in.
Which is the focus and specialization of the Ancestral Healing work.
Keep up to Date with the
Jagadeesh Paramahangsa
“Without a doubt, Jagadeesh is a true Healer. I’ve attended several of his healing sessions and experienced great uplifting that I can feel in my body, mind, and spirit. At one time, I sought his help for the pain connected to a cyst on my liver and the intense fear of death that had arisen in me. When Jagadeesh’s hand was in the area of pain, I felt a burning sensation that seemed to explode directly in the area of my pain. The next morning, I woke up with no pain and no anxiety. I had a follow-up ultrasound and discovered that the cyst had not grown and that I would be fine. I must add that I’ve been to many different healers, feeling disappointed with most. When I first experienced Jagadeesh’s work, I experienced his Divine gift.”
E. / Office Worker / Chicago, Illinois
“The day following the healing, I experienced extraordinary relief from a complicated illness I have suffered for years. Thank you Jagadeesh!”
S. K. / Massage Therapist / Venice, California
“Thanks! I felt my lungs clear when your hands were over them…felt great energy coming from my crown chakra.”
B. / Retired / Pacific Palisades, California
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