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Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing private group sessions are foundational for profound transformational work.
These private group sessions go deep into your own personal healing through working intently with your family ancestral lines.
Jagadeesh clears negative content that has accumulated in your soul as it relates to your ancestral influences. This work is a major step in creating harmony and untold attunement for oneself, one’s progeny and for future generations.
Why is it necessary to work with our ancestors for Self-Realization and to become closer to God?
Many spiritual traditions teach that the spirits of our ancestors are alive, well, and able to influence the present. Our ancestors are not necessarily enlightened, nor more evolved than when they lived on earth, however, they are still able to have profound positive or negative impact on our lives.
When our ancestors were alive, they had their own beliefs, attitudes, and desires which created its own karma.
Upon death, those desires were still present, but there was no longer a means by which to fulfill them without the soul being on the physical plane in a human body. When the ancestors’ wish to fulfill their desires through their progeny, an energetic impingement is created. In this way, our ancestors play a part in our circumstances in life. Their traumas affect us through this energetic impingement and if these negative karmic patterns are not resolved, they are passed down through the lineage to us and our progeny. The Ancestral Work helps to clear away these patterns which result in beneficial changes in our lives positively enriching and empowering our health, relationships, life circumstances, and well-being.
As our ancestors’ karma is cleared, they then become more open, free and wise.
As they heal, we heal and so does the rest of the planet. Our relationship with our ancestors is indeed mutually beneficial. As we pray and heal them, they in turn are now more able to guide us in our earthly circumstances. The ancestors can assist us in all aspects of fulfillment (prosperity, relationships, health and soul evolution) not only as a means of expressing their gratitude to us, but also for their own evolution.
The Ancestral Work provides a technique where we can do intensive healing work with ourselves and our ancestors. This gives us the special opportunity to create a mutually beneficial relationship with them so they may become healed and illuminated – thus accelerating everyone’s soul evolution and spiritual growth.
This type of reciprocation can be of utmost benefit to us to attain the level of peace, well-being, and prosperity that will give us leisure time and inspiration for our spiritual development, and most importantly attain genuine Self / God Realization.
“According to Jagadeesh our ancestors play a part in our circumstances in life. They influence us in ways we are unaware, both through our DNA and through their ongoing presence.” Journalist Interview
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Paramahangsa Jagadeesh
A Few Case Histories:
“One day during an Ancestral Event I was working on someone when I happened to feel a great unease within the field. I looked up his ancestral lines and found that there was a lot of feuding between the families of his Father and Mother. There was many negative attitudes and emotions of dislike and hatred. I mentioned this to the person and he admitted that that information was true. I healed up his ancestral lines and he reported an immediate sense of peace he had never felt before.”
Case One
There was another case of someone taking the Bodhisattva Training, where we have a weekend that we work on the Ancestors. On the last day of that particular weekend of Ancestral work, she got a call from her mother who said that she loved her, something the mother had never said to her daughter before that time.
Case Two
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