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Divine Light Transmission
A 2 hour fundraising event for the Ganesh Foundation to spread enlightenment & Divine Love Bliss
Experience The Divine Light Transmission that Transforms the Heart and Soul. Jagadeesh has the unique ability to tap into the loving energy of the Divine and transmit that energy directly to the participants in attendance.
For over 35 years Jadadeesh continues to deliver The Divine Light Transmission (the Paramatmic Transmission) Which is the Bestowing of Divine Grace in the form of transmitting the Divine Sacred Energy of God to others.
Satsang is a time to gather together to realize Truth. Various components can be included during Satsang, such as Kirtan.

the call and response chanting/ singing of the Holy Names, Qualities, Attributes, Divine Activities of the Divine (God).
With possibly some Pranayama (Breath Control) practices done before hand.
A talk
Given by a Spiritually Realized person that can include a question-and-answer period. And last, but not least, can include a transmission of spiritual grace blessings to participants to help further spiritual evolution and Divine Love Bliss.
The Divine Light Transmission
Also known as the Paramatmic Transmission is the bestowing of Divine Grace in the form of transmitting the Divine Sacred Energy of God to others. In preparation to receive such Sacred Grace, it is advised to be purified as one can by living a non-violent lifestyle, being clean in body, mind and soul, disregarding the desires of the lower ego, while being open to one’s own Divine Self and the Divine Self in others. Namaskar (Namaste) means ‘the Divine in me, acknowledges and respects the Divine in you.
The wearing of clean white or light-colored clothing, and bringing clean water to drink during or right after the event.

Dedicated to the preservation of the Rasik Spiritual Tradition of India.

Education and Training
Focused on the education and training of our next generations’ Siddhas, Saints and Spiritual Leaders.
Sacred Ecology
Promoting Eastern Spiritual values that represent a sacred ecological lifestyle.
For the protection of and unique communication with Elephants.
For More Information:
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“Divinity was present everywhere, and everyone in the room felt the Sacredness of the experience. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I was enveloped in Divine Love. All sense of pain and suffering left, and a deep sense of humility came over me. This was a quintessential moment that redirected and transformed my life forever.”
Lynn Shook / Executive Consultant / Kernville, California
“My experience with the Transmission of the Paramatmic Light was amazing. I first felt deep compassion, and then I was filled with a pure unconditional love that lasted for several days. I experienced my True Nature and knew that living in unconditional love is possible. Jagadeesh is the real thing.”
H.C. / Musician / Los Angeles, California
“The Clear Light Transmission was an incredible experience. After receiving Satsang (instruction) from Jagadeesh, he placed his hands on me, and I felt an expansion of my consciousness. I sat in meditation for nearly forty-five minutes to understand what had happened. Later that night, I felt the process continue to deepen in my sleep. By the next morning, it seemed as if I had grown in my experiential understanding of God as light!”
JKB / Priest and Therapist / St. Louis, Missouri
“I recently experienced the Transmission of the Clear Light from Jagadeesh. It was a wonderful God-filled experience that brought me closer to realizing who I am. I highly recommend it to everyone.”
Tim S. / Computer Tech / St. Louis, Missouri
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