Year-Long Mentorship Trainings

The yearly trainings are holistic by way of addressing the purification of the body, mind, emotions, the personal ego, and the soul itself. This opens the way for focused attention to study, reflection, and practice of our embodied transpersonal nature, but also depth work on the psycho-spiritual level, ancestral, elemental, celestial, collective, and physical levels. The Microcosm and the Macrocosm.

The Ganesh Foundation-statue

All with the focus of Liberation in Divine Love Bliss and intimate friendship with Source God Divinity.

In accordance with this vision, we aim to actualize the circumstances for participants to become living Saints, Siddhas, and genuine empowered Spiritual Leaders and Healers. Thus, the emphasis on Self-Realization and God-Realization, according to the experiential Vedanta of the Rasik Tradition of India, with assistance from depth psychology, and other effective views and practices culled from various sources.

Within the year container we will be able to attend to the study of the mind, gross and subtle ego, through Eastern Psychological studies and practice regarding the importance of cultivating virtue and understanding the causes of suffering, as well as Jungian Shadow Work, and Anna Freud’s ego-defense mechanisms, etc., to create a sound and balanced psyche, which then becomes a foundation for a healthy transcendence into genuine identity with the Atman (The eternal Spiritual Self).

In the advanced levels or years of Mentorship Training – the spiritual realization will continue to Source God level of Divine Love Bliss devotion.

These mentorships will start in 2025 or 2026, as the need arises.